Stiff Upper Lip

First of all, let me just say that I don't consider myself to be a superficial guy. In fact, I'm the one that goes "Yeah.. but you know, when she's making jokes.. she's kind of cute"'
Having said that, lets just set something straight. Ladies, whoever told you that it's okay to bleach your mustache hair blonde was wrong. Dead wrong. Did you think we just wouldn't notice?! Why would you ever do that? And I have seen some of you ladies, who appear to shave other areas, with this minor monstrosity on your upper lip. Do you think I want to feel that when I'm kissing you?
My guess is that someone told you that if you wax it, like other things, it'll grow faster and thicker and you'll be forced to pay for it to be waxed again. For your sake and mine, buy one less bag (Because us guys really can't tell the difference) and get that thing removed.
so profound and honest.
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