Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Dating in McMahon

There really are two types of dates that one can go on here. Good ones and Bad ones. I know it may be kind of simple to be so presumptuous about the lack of dating action that the people at this school get (not that they don’t get action hehe, but dating action specifically). I think first it would be important to define good dates. Good dates should be comfortable, meaning that neither party feels the need to not be themselves.

If I even thought about taking a girl to Tavern on the Green, that would be a bad date, I hate that place, and wouldn’t be caught dead there, not to mention the food is bad, and that my credit card was declined and my girlfriend had to help out with the tab … so embarrassing. That would be a bad date.

Here is another bad date, you are sitting in the movie theatre and the (hot) lady actor comes on the screen, you pitch a tent and the girl notices, gets offended, and throws her Diet Coke in your face, you have to watch the rest of the movie by yourself whilst sitting in Coke. That was not fun.

Good dates? Hmm, they should be cheap there should be no worrying about fighting over who gets to pay the check, I am a fan of dive restaurants, good food, terrible atmosphere, and you really get to enjoy the person that you are with. Hotdogs and tatertots with a PBR in the East Village … totally awesome just like grade school, except for the beer thing … well for most of us.

Or the time you sneaked into … any story that starts with this line is gonna be a top 10 date. Whether it is crashing an Asian wedding in Central Park (bonus points if you wait in the reception line and get a photo), a movie premier, a Fordham Alumni event where your name tag read Heywood Jabloweme and you made off with some free food and booze, if the story starts with “One time we snuck into….” You are golden.

The “non-date” dates are pretty awesome too, watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with friends, even cooler if there are baked goods served. Or walking to a friend to work, even if it means that you have to trek way over to the East Side, those can be pretty much the coolest ever.

So I guess after that pretty much retarded rant you come up with: go places where you are comfortable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One time we snuck into...Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory after watching March of the Penguins. It was our first time.

8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm offended you used the word "trek". that implies that you didn't enjoy running down steps as much as i did


11:42 PM  
Blogger NeverGrowUp said...

this is a normal non-internet stalker comment... the best place to go on a date that is a) cheap b) really unique and c) good eats... mamoun's falafel in the village. duh.

don't feel awful if you don't like falafels.......

9:36 AM  
Blogger Godot said...

First, for someone who enjoys backpacking and getting lost in the middle of bumfuck Wyoming for "vacation" I figure "trek" to be of the utmost compliment, one can only go on adventures with good friends. And trekking is inhearantly a pretty awesome thing to do (expect post on levels of Awesome to come shortly)

And to Never Grow up: Falafel kicks ass

3:03 PM  

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