Friday, March 31, 2006

Mail Bag! (kinda)

Your friendly Guy’s Guide writers can sometimes be nosey. We are always curious as to how you get to our page. Some of you know us personally, other people google something randomly and we pop up, someone plays a practical joke on you and you end up here. This post has been ripped straight from the stalker file. Someone searched this: “why can I not find a guy to love me” the other day and was pointed to Guy’s Guide.

I don’t think we have the answer to your question, but maybe one of us could try? So here’s my stab at it.

First a couple of questions, are you loving yourself? I know from experience that a hard relationship can make you question your own self-worth, especially if there was infidelity, lying, or general disrespect. It makes you question whether or not you are worthy of being loved. It took me awhile to come to the realization that I was worth being loved again, and then and only then could I realize that there are people out there who do love me.

Following in the ‘know thyself’ vein, I think it is easier to find someone who will love you if you know who you are, what you stand for, what you want, what you have lived so far. All of these questions have answers that are going to grow and expand with time as you really realize who you are.

I don’t think that there is a ‘special someone’ for everyone out there. I believe in the potentiality to fall in love with many people over the course of a lifetime. We are way too complex to just have a random one person that is out there. If a guy doesn’t love you, that’s his problem, not yours.

So ms. 68.153.241 from Greensborough Alabama I hope this helped you out, good luck.