Saturday, February 25, 2006

Your digits

So, the modern man is stuck with a new quandary. I found myself at a charity event/meat market a while ago. It was a fantastic time, for a great cause, and the company was top notch. One of our company handed out his card with his number on it to one of the attendees, and I was posed with the quandary, why didn’t he get her number in return? I never did get a chance to ask him.

So like us Guys’ Guide Guys tend to do, we took some rough stabs in the dark and came up with some ludicrous and some reasonable solutions to this quandary.
1. He was blitzed beyond his means and forgot to ask. Ok, this is probably not the case, but you never know, this one is doubtful.
2. He was seeding the crowd with the hopes of getting a better return. Kind of like going out there and sowing your wild oats, the more kids you have the less likely it is that one of them is going to screw up. I do not feel as if I am this cynical yet to think that this is what the friend was doing. There is a chance of “hey, the more my number is out there, the higher likelihood that someone is going to call it.” Possible, but not probable.
3. Again, this one being possible, but I doubt that it was the case, maybe this friend couldn’t gauge the girls interest and was afraid of being shot down. This guy is pretty confident in the ladies dept. And women wouldn’t like a guy who is afraid of being shot down (I know, I am kind of one of those guys, and the ladies don’t show the love for the Godot)
4. He could be a bit of a lazy dater, someone who wants to put the ball in her court and give the option of calling him. Now I don’t mean this to be derogatory, but if a guy gives you his number, and doesn’t ask for yours, you are under no obligation to call him, but you have the chance to, so if you were into him, call leave a short message. Put the ball back in his court, lazy bastard.

Stiff Upper Lip

First of all, let me just say that I don't consider myself to be a superficial guy. In fact, I'm the one that goes "Yeah.. but you know, when she's making jokes.. she's kind of cute"'

Having said that, lets just set something straight. Ladies, whoever told you that it's okay to bleach your mustache hair blonde was wrong. Dead wrong. Did you think we just wouldn't notice?! Why would you ever do that? And I have seen some of you ladies, who appear to shave other areas, with this minor monstrosity on your upper lip. Do you think I want to feel that when I'm kissing you?

My guess is that someone told you that if you wax it, like other things, it'll grow faster and thicker and you'll be forced to pay for it to be waxed again. For your sake and mine, buy one less bag (Because us guys really can't tell the difference) and get that thing removed.